Cy has been sculpting for many years. His usual medium is fired clay.
Eustace, semi-reclining in fired clay on separate white base 2014Sculptures on DisplaySisetta punting – in the studioSisetta punting – fired clayHanna and HannaHannaGilbert posing with HannaHanna at homeAndrea uprightAndrea repaired and paintedAndrea lyingAndrea repaired and paintedRichard 2008 Black ClayRichard 2008 (weathered)Peter in the studio 2017Peter 2017MartinMartin in the roof gardenRafael after one sitting 2011Rafael rescued after collapse 2011Rafael after one sitting 2011EvangelosEvangelos watching HannaDouble portrait of Luka in front of head and shoulders of DominicMarinella – seated woman in black clay 2014Jennifer and Lydia – fired black clay seated figuesKarina seated in chairKarina seated in chairScarlet, pregnant lady sitting cross-leggedScarlet, pregnant lady sitting cross-leggedHelen – seated on floor 2007Helen seated on “rock” 2007Kat, seated on floor in white clayAnne seated on pillow in white clay 2007How it started – get clay in the right placesAnne – hollowed and strengthened for firing 2007Roy, standing male with arms behind headNamushka cross legged with black hair 2015Allan – standing male figure in white clayAllan – standing male figure in white clayAllan with Gilbert and George (the cats)Allan watched by EvangelosClare, fully reclining woman in white clay 2006Eustace in the studio 2014Alf, large standing male figure 2007Martin at the lecternRichard, lying splayed out 2005Dave, seated man leaning on rock 2006Stella, tall walking woman in white clayAnna, standing female figure in her bodyguard poseSophia, tall standing woman in (unfired) black clayLydia, large seated woman in (unfired) black clayKat walking, in black clayKat walking, in black clayLydia, Martin and AnnaDave on a chimney potMartin and Richard on the roofDave with pigeonsLydia, large seated woman in fired black claySisetta and Clare on displayQuick sketch of Sophie 2019Imaginary female figure with tail (exhibited Jerwood Space 2014)Scarlet and CySophia and Cy
Very Early Works
Exercise: Seated Figure, 1969Head and Shoulders, 1970